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Essays on air pollution

Essays on air pollution

Air Pollution: Causes and Effects,Related Essays

WebThere are many air pollution essay topics that you can consider. Some of them may talk about the negatives of air pollution. While the majority of essays talk about respiratory WebJan 28,  · Air pollution has caused a number of respiratory and heart diseases among people. The incidence of lung cancer has increased in recent decades. Children living in WebMar 16,  · Air pollution is harmful to humans since it can cause respiratory and skin diseases. Air pollution is also harmful to plants and animals. Air pollution can also WebMar 1,  · Air pollution causes and effects are discussed in this essay together with the possible solutions to the problem. Burning of fossil fuels like coal, petroleum and other WebNov 28,  · Nov 28th, Published. Essay Sample. Essay 1. Air Pollution: Causes and Effects. It keeps us alive but at the same time, it can also be harmful. We breathe air ... read more

As we all know, fresh air is a very important factor for a healthy life, we need to think, what will happen when the air of the whole environment becomes dirty. Some of the major big factors of air pollution are the use of toxic fertilizers, pesticides etc. by inexperienced farmers to increase their crop yield. Chemical and hazardous gases ammonia are released from these fertilizers and combined into air pollution. Burning of fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum including firewood from other factories, etc. are the main issues of air pollution. Various types of smoke originating from motor vehicles and automatic vehicles such as cars, buses, bikes, trucks, jeeps, trains, aeroplanes, etc.

are also the cause of air pollution. Toxic industrial fumes and harmful gases such as carbon mono oxide, organic compounds, hydrocarbons, chemicals, etc. are released into the environment from factories and mills due to the increasing number of industries. Some domestic activities like using unaware cleaning producers for cleaning, washing powder, paint etc. also releases the several toxic chemicals into the air. The ever-increasing pollution levels have also worsened the negative and harmful effects on the health of its living. Air pollution is also the reason for the increase in global warming because the temperature of the atmosphere is increasing due to the increase in the level of greenhouse gases.

These greenhouse gases increase the greenhouse effect and rising sea level, melting of glaciers, changing of seasons, changing of climate, etc. Increasing air pollution is causing many fatal diseases cancer, heart attack, asthma, bronchitis, renal diseases etc. and death. Many important animal and plant species have been destroyed on this planet. The increase of harmful gases in the environment is causing acid rain and erosion of the ozone layer. The constant increase of harmful and toxic substances in the fresh air of the atmosphere is the cause of air pollution. Pollution caused by various external substances, toxic gases and other human actions affects fresh air which then adversely affects human life, plants and animals. The level of air pollution depends on all the pollution that comes from different sources.

The topography and weather conditions are increasing the endurance of pollution. In industries, the amount of emissions of harmful gases from various types of raw materials used in the manufacturing process is increasing. Increasing population density is demanding more industrialization, which ultimately causes air pollution. Some natural sources of air pollution such as volcanic eruptions, volcanoes ash, carbon dioxide, smoke, dust and other gases , contraction, dust, sea and ocean salinity, soil particles, storms, forest fires, cosmic particles, Rays, bombardment of asteroid materials, comet sprays, pollen grains, fungal spores, viruses, bacteria, etc.

Man-made means of air pollution are industry, agriculture, energy plants, automated vehicles, domestic sources etc. Man-made means include some air pollution such as smoke, dust, smoke, particulate matter, gas from the kitchen, household heat, smoke from various vehicles, use of pesticides, toxic gases used to kill weeds, the heat coming out of the plants is from fly ash etc. As the number of air pollution increases, it is divided into two types, primary pollution and secondary pollution. Primary pollution directly affects fresh air and smoke, ash, dust, smoke, mist, spray, inorganic gases, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, is emitted from the nitric oxide and radioactive compounds.

Secondary pollutants which affect the air indirectly by chemically reacting with primary factors such as sulfur trioxide, ozone, hydrocarbons, nitrogen dioxide, etc. Air pollution is pollution due to which human health is getting worse every day and it is also having a very bad effect on the environment. This pollution is playing a major role in thinning the layer of ozone, due to which you will feel as if the air has been polluted as soon as you step outside the house. One can see the clouds of smoke coming out of the chimneys of buses, scooters, cars, factories like fly ash particles of ash scattered in the air from the thermal power plants is polluting the air, cars is increasing the pollution on the road, cigarette smoke is also second in polluting the air.

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The excessive sulfur present in the air gets mixed with the rain. As a result of this acid rain, the soil quality diminishes and the survival of the fishes, plants, and microorganisms becomes difficult. Air pollution also leads to deforestation, acid rains, depletion of the ozone layer, and global warming. Global steps are being taken to protect the environment. Planting more trees, switching to solar power, using public transport, opting for energy-efficient appliances, and developing an eco-friendly lifestyle are some of them. Air pollution is an environmental issue that negatively affects the ecosystem. Humans are wired to think about what happens to them in the current time and very few tend to think about the future.

As industries, agro farms and human activity continue to contribute to air pollution, people are not affected immediately and therefore do not participate in control and prevention programs. Air is one of the most valuable gift from Mother Earth because all animate and inanimate objects on earth depend on it for survival. Without air, animals and humans would not have the privilege to breathe and plants would not have air exchange processes. The future of human and animal life will be doomed by the increasing pollutants being released to the atmosphere. The accumulation of pollutants in the next ten years will have deleterious effects because a combination of toxic chemicals, radiations and harmful gases will have been accumulated.

Climate change will be unnatural and dangerous, for e. Would the earth be habitable with these crazy effects? When these extremities of climate change are reached, it would be irreversible. Food supply chain will also be adversely affected because plants will have toxins due to acid rain and therefore diseases and death will result from consumption of these toxins. The economy will be negatively affected because health will deteriorate as well as the quality of items for trade especially food crops. Air pollution prevention programs are ineffective due to challenges.

Finances are inadequate especially for developing countries to achieve the goals of air pollution prevention. The government and individuals lack the motivation due to misplaced priorities and policies. Every day the rate of air pollution in the atmosphere is getting to a higher rate. This is usually due to the pollutants released into the air through many human activities. It is important for the present generation to know the threat behind this situation and to control it before it destroys the atmosphere. Industrialization is one of the biggest reason behind the increased air pollution. Use of high chemical ingredients and fuel materials cause pollutants to merge in the atmosphere. These particulates released will highly contaminate the fresh air.

The release of carbon monoxide is another undeniable reason for this atmospheric pollution. When the fuel gets burnt in vehicles they release harmful gases to the outer world, which in turn pollutes the whole air around. But in the present world, there are more vehicles on road and thus increasing their effect on the environment. Disposal of wastes, whether biological, plastic or e-waste, without proper treatment, also contribute to air pollution. Burning plastic will produce many harmful gases, which will be a threat to the surrounding atmosphere and cause serious breathing problem in people. This applies to e-wastes too. Biological wastes while decomposition releases the foul smell. Green leaves absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during days to produce food using the process photosynthesis.

This process helps the atmosphere to maintain its balance with gaseous compositions. But in this modern world, we humans have made too many buildings cutting down these precious lifesavers. Deforestation and destruction of plants have affected the rate of carbon composed gases in the atmosphere that resulted in a comparatively lesser rate of oxygen. Oxygen is the only gas that keeps us alive. Saving trees and green plants will not only clean the atmosphere but also help us to live this life happily. It is our responsibility to keep this atmosphere neat and clean. We can accomplish this task by taking good care of our nature and avoid doing things that cause air pollution.

Plant more trees and avoid the use of vehicles every step you take. Reduce the amount of harmful gas being released into the atmosphere. A breath of fresh air has become quite unlikely for the densely populated Indian cities. Air pollution caused by the release of pollutants in the form of chemicals, gases, ash is increasing at an alarming rate. India is home to one-fifth of the world population and every year, nearly 1. The contamination of air due to pollutants has destroyed the natural balance of the environment, impairing human, and all other life forms.

India is marching ahead on its way to become an Industrial Super Power of modern times. The flip side is to achieve this goal is the high levels of organic compounds, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and chemicals released into the air by the industries. The thermal power stations significantly escalate air pollution by releasing enormous amounts of fly ash, carbon compounds, and SO 2. The population explosion has expanded the reins of Indian cities, resulting in a pathetic traffic condition on the roads. Vehicles on the road release gases and dangerous fumes by carelessly burning petroleum and other fossil fuels. The Indian farmers are indiscriminately using pesticides and fertilizers to increase their produce. These chemicals release hazardous ammonia gas, which is a major pollutant.

The smog released due to stubble majoring in nearby agricultural lands was the major reason for choked the air in New Delhi. The biggest threat of air pollution is undoubtedly global warming and climate change. With every passing day the rise in temperature is drying up water resources, irregular rainfall is doing massive damage to the agriculture sector. Air pollution is causing numerous respiratory disorders such as pneumonia, throat, nose or lungs irritations and asthma. People living in poor sanitation are subjected to harmful gases and chemicals which lead to severe health ailments. Being a global citizen all Indians share equal responsibility to save the Ozone layer from depletion.

Thinning of the Ozone layer results in harmful Ultraviolet UV rays coming back on earth leading to severe abnormalities, skin, and eye problems. The Indian Government has passed the Air Pollution Act of , which clearly forbids industries, power plants and vehicles from releasing particulate matter, carbon monoxide, lead or other toxic materials beyond a cited level. Using public transport such as train or bus will greatly reduce the number of vehicles on the road and successively decrease the air pollution. By switching to green energy and renewable energy resources like solar, wind or hydroelectric, common people can prominently contribute to reduce air pollution.

To plant more trees is the simplest solution to this colossal crisis. Our future generations have a birth right to breathe clean air. India is at the brink of witnessing a national catastrophe if immediate measures are not taken to condemn Air Pollution. Awareness on this grave topic must be created on a large scale so that our daily practices are not contributing to these problems. All Indians must pledge and take concrete steps to eliminate air pollution. The pure atmospheric air has been contaminated with chemical gases and suspended particles aerosols in the recent years. They have harmful effects on living beings and surroundings. This is known as Air Pollution. For around years, industrialization followed by introduction of motor vehicles, has led to air pollution.

We have been unaware of the potential dangers for decades. But through sensitization measures, increasing health issues, and scientific satellite data, we have been helped to see how air pollution affects the quality of life on earth. The Scientists at NOAA have reported plus successive months with above average temperatures. NASA has reported warming oceans, shrinking ice sheets, and glacial retreats, decreased snow cover on mountain peaks, increased rainfalls and sea levels in the last century due to the global temperature rise. Air pollution occurs due to natural phenomenon as well as human activities.

Comparatively, human activities cause more dangerous and intensified air pollution than the natural phenomenon. Toxic gases from volcano eruptions, smoke from wildfires, emission from radioactive elements, and evaporation from volatile organic compounds are few naturally occurring phenomenon that causes air pollution. When fossil fuels like coal are burnt for energy, greenhouse gases like Carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide, Fluorinated gases etc. There, they form a layer and trap the heat from the sun. This warms the temperature globally and affects the normal climate of the earth. To add to the woe, these climatic changes further aggravates certain types of air pollution. Due to extreme heat levels and UV radiation, smog is experienced in big cities with huge factories and heavy traffic.

It reduces visibility causing accidents and affects lung tissues aggravating asthma disease. Smog is also called ground level ozone. On the other hand, the ozone layer in the atmosphere avoids damage to our skin, eyes etc. But, chlorofluorocarbons CFC emanated from burning plastics, discarded spray cans, leaky refrigerants etc. Each CFC molecule has the capacity to destroy 1, 00, ozone molecules. Deforestation for the sake of creating agricultural lands, breeding animals, timber logging, yielding firewood have elevated greenhouse gas emissions apart from damaging ecosystem, increasing soil erosion etc.

The lead from discarded batteries, carbon monoxide released from cigarettes, even particles from pesticides are some other causes of air pollution due to human actions. Governments all over the world and stakeholders like United Nations, World Health Organisation WHO etc. Recommendations by these agencies are implemented at national and local levels. On Nov 4, , the Paris Agreement has been signed by nations to fight against climate change. To ease traffic congestion and curb vehicular pollution, counter urbanization, public transportation, bicycling, walking etc. Saplings are planted to promote greenery and clean air. Our Central Government has taken initiatives like promoting Solar Photovoltaic energy, wind energy, low emission diesel fuel from algae, natural gas, adoption of electric vehicles etc.

While engaged in agriculture, spraying pesticides at ground level is encouraged as against aerial spraying to avoid suspension of pesticide particles in air. Every individual should contribute personally to reduce air pollution. Through daily activities, we are continuously emitting Carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is called our Carbon Footprint. We can reduce it through economical usage of water, electricity and transportation like to prefer walking over driving, locally grown food over imported, etc. If these disciplines are slowly inculcated into our normal everyday day life, we can help each other and the future generation with a clean air, free from pollution.

Air pollution is one of the side effects of the rapid growth of industry and urban development. Since we cannot last more than a few minutes without air that is oxygen maybe this aspect of the environmental crises the world is facing, needs most of our devotion. Air pollution has become a big challenge to both the citizens and the government of our country. Sometimes this atmosphere can get certain elements in it that pollute it. Air pollution is the contamination of air by harmful substances like dust, smoke, etc. Air pollution has two main causes. The first is through natural disasters like volcano eruptions and forest fires.

The smoke and ash produced in the eruption of volcanoes and forest fires mix with the atmospheric air and degrades the quality of air, causing air pollution.

Air pollution is the mixing of any harmful substances with the atmosphere, which affects the fresh air, human health, quality of life, etc. on a large scale. In this article Essay on Air Pollution , we had provided the various essays in different word limits, which you can use as per your need:. Air pollution is increasing day by day as industries grow, such polluted air, although spreads throughout the atmosphere and affects the lives of people all over the world. Polluted air is a factor in lungs disorders and even lungs cancer, thus affecting health as well as other body parts.

Air pollution has reached its peak by continuously destroying the entire ecosystem and affecting the life of trees, animals and also affecting the entire environment by allowing harmful hot radiation of the sun on the earth. Also, read the Essay on Air Pollution words. The leakage of many harmful gases or hazardous elements from such sources is polluting the entire atmosphere. The ozone layer is also being greatly affected due to air pollution, which is causing serious disruption in the environment. Due to the over the increase in the population of human beings, their need is also increasing, which is the main cause of pollution.

In the process of industrialization, the aggressive handling of many harmful gases, particles, paints and batteries, cigarettes, etc. release carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and other toxic gases into the atmosphere. All types of pollution are associated with the environment, which invites the harmful rays of the sun to the earth by damaging the ozone layer. To reduce the level of air pollution, we have to bring about big changes in our activities daily. We should not cut the trees to reduce the effects of air pollution, use public transport, use prohibit sprinkler and do such activities that help prevent pollution in the environment. At present, air pollution is the biggest problem in big cities all over the world especially due to industrialization.

Fog, smoke, particulates, solids, etc. leakage into the environment which causes poor environmental conditions in the city due to which people get dangerous health-related diseases. People spread a lot of dirty waste daily, especially in big cities which contribute to pollution in the city environment on a very large scale. Smoke and polluted gases from a motorcycle bike , industrial process, waste burning etc. contribute to the air pollution. Some natural pollutants like dust, soil particles, natural gases etc. are also sources of air pollution. When pure fresh air is polluted due to dust, smoke, toxic gases, motor vehicles, mills and factories, etc.

Some natural and some human resources are factors of air pollution, however, most of the air pollution is caused by human activities such as burning of fossils, coal and oil, releasing harmful gases and substances from factories and motor vehicles. Such harmful chemical elements like carbon oxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon mono oxide, sulfur oxide, solids etc. are getting mixed in the fresh air. Other sources of air pollution are the decomposition of waste in the landfill and the removal of methane gas which is very harmful to health from the process of neutralization of solids. Rapidly increasing population, industrialization, increase in use of automated vehicles, aeroplanes, etc.

have made a genuine natural issue. The air we breathe every moment is completely polluted which goes through the blood circulation in our lungs and throughout the body and causes countless health problems. Polluted air destroys trees, plants, animals and humans either directly or indirectly. Also, read Air Pollution Essay Conclusion. If the policies that protect the environment are not seriously and strictly followed leads to the rising level of air pollution could increase on an annual basis of 1 million tons in the coming decades. As we all know, fresh air is a very important factor for a healthy life, we need to think, what will happen when the air of the whole environment becomes dirty.

Some of the major big factors of air pollution are the use of toxic fertilizers, pesticides etc. by inexperienced farmers to increase their crop yield. Chemical and hazardous gases ammonia are released from these fertilizers and combined into air pollution. Burning of fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum including firewood from other factories, etc. are the main issues of air pollution. Various types of smoke originating from motor vehicles and automatic vehicles such as cars, buses, bikes, trucks, jeeps, trains, aeroplanes, etc.

are also the cause of air pollution. Toxic industrial fumes and harmful gases such as carbon mono oxide, organic compounds, hydrocarbons, chemicals, etc. are released into the environment from factories and mills due to the increasing number of industries. Some domestic activities like using unaware cleaning producers for cleaning, washing powder, paint etc. also releases the several toxic chemicals into the air. The ever-increasing pollution levels have also worsened the negative and harmful effects on the health of its living. Air pollution is also the reason for the increase in global warming because the temperature of the atmosphere is increasing due to the increase in the level of greenhouse gases. These greenhouse gases increase the greenhouse effect and rising sea level, melting of glaciers, changing of seasons, changing of climate, etc.

Increasing air pollution is causing many fatal diseases cancer, heart attack, asthma, bronchitis, renal diseases etc. and death. Many important animal and plant species have been destroyed on this planet. The increase of harmful gases in the environment is causing acid rain and erosion of the ozone layer. The constant increase of harmful and toxic substances in the fresh air of the atmosphere is the cause of air pollution. Pollution caused by various external substances, toxic gases and other human actions affects fresh air which then adversely affects human life, plants and animals. The level of air pollution depends on all the pollution that comes from different sources. The topography and weather conditions are increasing the endurance of pollution.

In industries, the amount of emissions of harmful gases from various types of raw materials used in the manufacturing process is increasing. Increasing population density is demanding more industrialization, which ultimately causes air pollution. Some natural sources of air pollution such as volcanic eruptions, volcanoes ash, carbon dioxide, smoke, dust and other gases , contraction, dust, sea and ocean salinity, soil particles, storms, forest fires, cosmic particles, Rays, bombardment of asteroid materials, comet sprays, pollen grains, fungal spores, viruses, bacteria, etc. Man-made means of air pollution are industry, agriculture, energy plants, automated vehicles, domestic sources etc. Man-made means include some air pollution such as smoke, dust, smoke, particulate matter, gas from the kitchen, household heat, smoke from various vehicles, use of pesticides, toxic gases used to kill weeds, the heat coming out of the plants is from fly ash etc.

As the number of air pollution increases, it is divided into two types, primary pollution and secondary pollution. Primary pollution directly affects fresh air and smoke, ash, dust, smoke, mist, spray, inorganic gases, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, is emitted from the nitric oxide and radioactive compounds. Secondary pollutants which affect the air indirectly by chemically reacting with primary factors such as sulfur trioxide, ozone, hydrocarbons, nitrogen dioxide, etc. Air pollution is pollution due to which human health is getting worse every day and it is also having a very bad effect on the environment.

This pollution is playing a major role in thinning the layer of ozone, due to which you will feel as if the air has been polluted as soon as you step outside the house. One can see the clouds of smoke coming out of the chimneys of buses, scooters, cars, factories like fly ash particles of ash scattered in the air from the thermal power plants is polluting the air, cars is increasing the pollution on the road, cigarette smoke is also second in polluting the air. It is a semi carbon produced from petrol, diesel fuel and wood burning, it is also produced from cigarettes. This creates a decrease in oxygen, also causes trouble in our sleep. It is a greenhouse gas. When humans burn coal oil and natural gas, burning of these produces carbon dioxide gas.

When it is used for air conditioning and refrigeration, its particles reach the stratosphere of our atmosphere, by mixing with air and damaging the ozone layer consisting of other gases. This ozone layer protects animals and flora on the ground from ultraviolet rays damaging the sun. This is why chloro-fluoro carbon is a big threat to humans and another biological world. Lead is especially found in diesel, petrol, batteries, paint and hair dyes etc. and it affects the children. This worsens the functioning of the brain and stomach and also cause cancer. The ozone layer is the uppermost layer of the stratosphere in the atmosphere and it is a characteristic and important gas.

Its function is to prevent the harmful ultraviolet rays coming from the sun on the earth surface. Yet it is highly contaminated on the ground surface and also poisonous. Ozone emanates in large numbers from clusters. Ozone causes watery eyes and irritation. This causes fog and acid rain. This gas is produced by the burning of petrol, diesel and coal. This causes many types of diseases in children which are common in winter. Suspended Particulate Matter SPM : These are solids, fumes and dust particles in the air which remain in the air for a particular time. Due to which the lungs are damaged and have trouble breathing.

Sulfur dioxide is also present in gases used to melt metal and prepare the paper. This gas is very helpful in producing haze and in acid rain. Sulfur dioxide causes lung diseases. Also, read 1. Water Pollution Essay 2. Water Conservation Essay 3. Environment Essay. Urbanization has led to the exploitation of natural resources, which has led to constant pollution in the atmosphere. Effect of all pollution is harmful and to protect the environment, we have to plant more and more trees. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Essay Speeches Diff FAQ.

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WebJan 28,  · Air pollution has caused a number of respiratory and heart diseases among people. The incidence of lung cancer has increased in recent decades. Children living in WebMar 1,  · Air pollution causes and effects are discussed in this essay together with the possible solutions to the problem. Burning of fossil fuels like coal, petroleum and other WebThere are many air pollution essay topics that you can consider. Some of them may talk about the negatives of air pollution. While the majority of essays talk about respiratory WebNov 28,  · Nov 28th, Published. Essay Sample. Essay 1. Air Pollution: Causes and Effects. It keeps us alive but at the same time, it can also be harmful. We breathe air WebMar 16,  · Air pollution is harmful to humans since it can cause respiratory and skin diseases. Air pollution is also harmful to plants and animals. Air pollution can also ... read more

A top. Unless you're a scientist with a chemistry lab at your fingertips, there's no real way of knowing. css "height",i. Biology Biology Article Essay On Air Pollution Words Words. Air pollution is not only present outdoors; interior air pollution is also a great concern. Promotion of public transport.

Global warming has affected all aspects of life especially the agricultural sector because growth patterns of plants has been negatively affected. According to Encarta. As a result, measures are being taken to reduce this kind of pollution. width -r. Do not sell my personal information. Pollutants essays on air pollution be classified as either primary or secondary. The air we breathe today is full of toxic and hazardous pollution.

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