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The outsiders book report essay

The outsiders book report essay

Book Report: The Outsiders,Ponyboy Life In The Outsiders

WebNov 25,  · The Outsiders is a young adult fiction that plays the role of many adolescent characters and shows what teenagers from a different day an age were like. With the WebThe Outsiders Book Report Essay Words | 3 Pages. In this book report I will talk about the book “The outsiders” written by S.E. Hinton, I will do a review of the story, the WebJun 23,  · The book ‘The Outsiders’ by S.E. Hinton is a story told from the perspective of a 14 year old boy named Ponyboy set in South West America. In the novel he faces Web Words3 Pages. “The Outsiders” is a novel written by S.E. Hinton. Originally Published in , Hinton was only 18 when her novel hit the shelves. Instead of using her real name WebBook Report: The Outsiders. Dante. Sep. This is a sample book report from Ultius on the novel The Outsiders, which tells the story of two youth gangs with a ... read more

He is able to share his story with an authority figure, his English teacher, who does not belong to his crowd. The universal message of The Outsiders is that peace can come through understanding, communication, and a willingness to move beyond violence to resolve conflicts. This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Book Report On The Outsiders Essay. Accessed February 7, In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match.

Home Literature Book The Outsiders. Verified writer. Delivery result 2 hours. Customers reviews Related Topics Twelfth Night Wife of Bath The Yellow Wallpaper Oliver Twist Between The World and Me Young Goodman Brown The Crucible The Lottery House On Mango Street Nickel and Dimed Harrison Bergeron Death of a Salesman Ameri Things Fall Apart A Modest Proposal A Tale Of Two Cities Billy Budd Harry Potter Catcher In The Rye Enders Game A View From The Bridge View more. Book Report On The Outsiders Essay Academic anxiety? Get original paper in 3 hours and nail the task. Get help now experts online. The Outsiders By SE Hinton Essay. The Outsiders: An Analysis Essay. Need custom essay sample written special for your assignment? Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism report Order custom paper Without paying upfront.

More related essays Pages 10 Words Pages 4 Words Enotes Essay Lab Rumble Fish Essay. Page 1 Words The Outsiders by S E Hinton Essay. Ponyboy dramatically changes throughout the novel, he starts to wonder if he should model himself to the members of his gang or follow his own path. There are three reasons to support my thesis statement. Hinton is a story told from the perspective of a 14 year old boy named Ponyboy set in South West America. In the novel he faces social division, gang warfare, hatred and violence.

One example is Dally is a hero because he looked after his friends when they needed him. In a way, all of the Greasers are pioneers in their individual ways, but some more than others. People are also heroes for different reasons. To some people it might be if someone does something courageous, for another person they might think that it is standing up for what they believe in, or even someone who stands up for their friends and will stick by them no matter what. All three of these views of what a hero is defined as is shown in the novel, which gives the book a real character in its self. The house would be a wreck and so would Darry and Ponyboys relationship. They all love each other a lot but if Soda wasn't present half the time he probably come home to the house being on fire.

Soda is like the frosting in a gingerbread house holding the whole household together, by supporting the…. This is constantly shown between two groups of people with different sets of struggles. But they both deal with similar struggles. Some of which are they both have questionable choices in entertainment, they make bad health choices, and they are both aggressive towards each other. The Outsiders gives the reader hints and ideas from the story explaining how we should act and other moral issues. For example, a message the author describes is to stay young and innocent. The Greasers, specifically the younger Greasers, are taught to smoke and kill at a young age.

This leads them to do bad things such as going to jail, participating in rumbles, and robbing stores. In other words, bad influence at a young age allows them to do illegal actions. By showing these actions from characters and the negative results, Hinton leads readers to the best idea of civility- trying to prevent the habit of performing crimes and being corrupted. Also, S. Hinton sends an important message to people who want to give up. She gives clues throughout the story about the importance of friendship and to not block out your emotions and problems.

When Johnny dies, Ponyboy started to give up, emotionally and physically. I chose the quote,"You cannot open a book without learning something" by the Irish proverb because I can relate it to my favorite book,"The Outsiders" by S. Hinton which taught me lots of stuff that I did not know about. The book is about a 14 year old named Ponyboy and his two brothers Darry who is 16 and Sodapop who is 20 years old. Darry is in charge of them due to both of his parents dying in a car accident. They are all greasers in a gang and often watch over Johnny ,who is another greaser, because his alcoholic parents abuse him. They also have a gang rivalry with the Socs who are rich and pick on the poor.

The Outsiders, directed by Francis Ford Coppola was released in Ponyboy Curtis C. Thomas Howell is a greaser whose parents were killed in a car accident. He and his friends: Johnny Ralph Macchio , Dally Matt Dillon , Two-Bit Emilio Estevez , and Steve Tom Cruise , and brothers, Darry Patrick Swayze and Soda Rob Lowe , are always getting in fights with a gang called the Socs. One night, best friend Johnny, are attacked by Socs. The Socs almost drown Ponyboy, and Johnny, defending Ponyboy, stabs Bob a Soc. Pony, and Johnny find a church to hide out in.

A bunch of little kids are trapped inside the church which caught on fire, and Pony, Johnny, and Dally save them. Ponyboy gets out ok, Dally burns his arm, but a huge piece of wood falls on Johnny, breaking his back, and burning him badly. At the end, two of the greasers end up losing their life and both gangs still fight and hate each other. I think that The Outsiders was decent, at best. Please spare yourself save the hour and…. The Outsiders, by S. Hinton, is a novel about the rivalry between greasers and Socs. It is narrated by the main character, Ponyboy Curtis. He tells the reader about his life being turned upside down after making one childish mistake. The greaser struggle more than the Socs because they are poor, the Socs jump them, and people think that they are trash.

In the novel the Outsiders, Randy Adderson, a Soc decides not to fight in the rumble against the Greasers. I believe that he is a hero for the following reasons. Then a miracle happens but soon after you realize there's a guy laying half dead. What happened? The novel revolves around economical class and depending on the clothes you wear , how much money you have or where you 're from you are either a Greaser or Soc. The story paints the picture of the gang Warfare between the east and west sides in the mid s in a town.

The conflict in the novel represents the division of the east at West sides. The following essay will discuss each of the 3 conflicts that were encountered between the Socs and Greaser. In the book The Outsiders, written by S. Many of these run-ins lead to horrific consequences, such as bad injuries and even death. The three topics addressed in the thought-provoking novel are the fight between rich and poor, what it means to be a hero, and the power of friendship. E Hinton. Throughout the book, S. E Hinton outlines that Socs, who have a better economic status are unaware of all of the other aspects in life and feel superior over the Greasers. In book, The Outsiders, it 's shown that a human society can be separated a society because of society and wealth.

In the book, The Outsiders, written by S. Hinton, the premise of The Outsiders is of a power struggle between two social classes, the Greasers and the Socs. This fictional book focuses on hot-button issues of that time period through the journey of Ponyboy and how he navigated through these times. The aftermath and effects of tensions in the group and when said tensions boiled over in the two groups were also shown. The three topics addressed in the down-to-earth novel are rich versus poor, the power of friendship and what it means to be a hero. The Outsiders, by S. Hinton, is a novel about the rivalry between greasers and Socs.

It is narrated by the main character, Ponyboy Curtis. The outsiders have a lot of heros. Many people think Ponyboy and Two Bit also Johnny are heros. However Dally Winston was brave. He was outgoing. Last but not least he was trustworthy. Who do you think is a hero in the outsiders? The book, The Outsiders, by S. E Hinton is about brother hood and friendship. Is also about two gangs called the Greasers and the Soc's constantly arguing and fighting. Constantly fighting about their gangs placement in their cities, girls, and where they can and can't go. In the first chapter, fighting comes up right away. Ponyboy was walking home from the movies when about 5 Soc's drove up to him and jumped him.

How can two individuals be so different yet be so comparable? Dally Winston and Johnny Cade are similar because they both have neglective and abusive parents making them place little value on their lives. Yet, despite their similarities, Dally and Johnny have distinct personalities and different advice they give Ponyboy. Dally Winston and Johnny Cade, two greasers with many differences and more similarities than you may expect.

Has anyone ever felt like you were judged by the way you look and dress? The outsiders by S. E Hinton should be taught in school. This book should be taught in school because it is very much like real life today so it could teach kids what not to do. The Outsiders by S. Ponyboy is an interesting character because he is different from his friends, but gets caught up in gang conflicts. There are many examples in The Outsiders showing Ponyboy to be loyal, brave and sensitive. The Outsiders, by S. Hinton was written in This novel tells the story of the conflict between two different social groups, the greasers and the socs.

The socs were the socials who lived in the rich part of town, and the greasers were the lower class youths. They call them Greasers because they wear their hair long and a lot of grease in it. They are always getting picked up by the police for shoplifting, hijacking cars, pity theft, armed robbery and even MURDER!! They are always getting in trouble for something the Socs did like when Pony boy was at school. The Socs are a bunch of rich kids that have mustangs and corvettes with nice interior. This novel tackles issues such as violence, class conflict, and prejudice. The novel takes place in the early sixties. The Outsiders examines how two different groups compete, and unite for survival, which is often justified with violence.

This is more like real life because things like this happen every day. The First Amendment of the Constitution guarantees our right to free speech, which includes the right to read and write books that might be considered by some to be too violent, hateful, or offensive. Some people feel that schools, libraries, and governments should be the judge of what books are good. Others believe that kids or their parents should have the freedom to decide for themselves, and shouldn't have others' viewpoints imposed on them. Banning books would take away from their right to free speech. The author's that is. They wrote the book expecting anybody to be able to read it. By banning a book you are taking away from what the first amendment was supposed to do.

If a person wants to read the thoughts and mind of an author, they should have the right to, regardless if it's bad or not. I believe it's what best for them; we can't tell a child what is best for them if we haven't met them. Because this freedom is one of our rights as Americans, people feel that any form of censorship is wrong. Most people believe that people should be free to read whatever they choose. According to Carol Brey-Casiano, "Not every book is right for every person, but providing a wide range of reading choices is important for learning, and imagination. The abilities to read, speak,…. The book starts with the narrator and co-protagonist, Ponyboy Curtis, the youngest member of the Greasers Lower class going back home after an outdoor movie night.

He is encountered by one of the Socs Higher class , and attacked until his gang arrives to help. Fortunately, the girls stop the fight and Ponyboy runs back home, where Dally is waiting anxiously for him. Dally is extremely mad by the fact that such a young boy like…. Once someone finds a book that objects to their beliefs, they can challenge it. A challenge is an attempt to remove or restrict materials, based upon the objections of a person or group. Anyone is able to challenge a book, making an attempt to remove material from the curriculum or library, thereby restricting the access of others.

Many times, a challenged book will only be censored. Censorship is the scanning of a book for content, and blanking or replacing anything that the censors find questionable. Other times, after the challenged book goes through a sort of trial, it may become banned. Banning is the removal of a book from a certain place all together. Books were being censored during the times of ancient Greece and Rome. Most people think that burning books is an over rated action, that just banning them is enough. Those people are wrong. Religious rights groups have had, and still do, well publicize bonfires where they burn books, magazines and CDs Stephy, M.

Censorship in Modern Times. The Outsiders gives the reader hints and ideas from the story explaining how we should act and other moral issues. For example, a message the author describes is to stay young and innocent. The Greasers, specifically the younger Greasers, are taught to smoke and kill at a young age. This leads them to do bad things such as going to jail, participating in rumbles, and robbing stores. In other words, bad influence at a young age allows them to do illegal actions. By showing these actions from characters and the negative results, Hinton leads readers to the best idea of civility- trying to prevent the habit of performing crimes and being corrupted.

Also, S. Hinton sends an important message to people who want to give up. She gives clues throughout the story about the importance of friendship and to not block out your emotions and problems. When Johnny dies, Ponyboy started to give up, emotionally and physically. Since written word has existed, it has been a target for censorship Books, 1. Book banning is a problem in the United States still to this day. Hundreds of books are banned every year in the United States Banned, 1. A challenge is an attempt to remove or restrict materials Cho, 1. To ban a book is to remove the materials completely. Books are banned or challenged to protect the children.

Parents are the people who challenge books the most. Banned Books Week started in It is an annual celebration of the freedom to read and is held in the last two weeks of September. Banned Books Week focuses on efforts across the country…. Hinton, is a novel about the rivalry between greasers and Socs. It is narrated by the main character, Ponyboy Curtis. He tells the reader about his life being turned upside down after making one childish mistake. The greaser struggle more than the Socs because they are poor, the Socs jump them, and people think that they are trash. This book speaks well to young readers because of its idealism, honesty, and sincerity.

Hinton took all her child life experiences and put them into writing. Her works were so appealing that "The Outsiders can be thought to be the best-selling young adult novel of all time, it has the appeal to teens and their genre. It adapted into both a prime-time television series and a movie" Howard Hinton has her own style, "Hinton introduces the young people who live in the bad parts of town and their behavior reflects their sense of dignity and self-worth" Howard Mostly she liked to write about boys, she wrote about gangs. To boys this was exciting because most has never been around any gangs.

Howard explains this way, " Ponyboy's hair was greased and long, today it might be shaved or dyed. There are still yr-old 'greasers' who do…. When S. For instance, many things could make you an outsider, including your appearance, your family, the way you live, and how you perform with other people. Hinton is one of the best known American authors. She has written many stories and novels, none of which are as famous as her young-adult novel, The Outsiders. Hinton has won some awards for her contributions to English literature. Her books have been used in schools as she has inspired many teens and adolescents to write about topics used in her books.

Hinton has captivated readers of all ages, all over America and the world with her story The Outsiders. E Hinton is about two gangs who are considered outsiders. These two gangs are outsiders because they do not fit in with society. Particularly, there are three characters who do not only not fit in society because of what gang they are in but they are considered outsiders in there own gang; these three characters are Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade, and Cherry Valance. The novel, The Outsiders by S. Hinton, is about Ponyboy Curtis who is a fourteen-year old who goes on a journey through depressing times.

Now his older brother, Darry, is responsible for Ponyboy and his other older brother, Sodapop. Ponyboy is a greaser on the west side of town and with his friends that have bad reputations, things could get out of hand. Throughout the book, there are big decisions being made whether to go one way or the other. Making one decision could influence how another decision could be made. Hinton is a novel about the two gangs on each side of a town, the Greasers and the Socs, who have a destructive rivalry and are superficially different. However throughout the course of the novel their true characteristics are proven to be fundamentally the same.

The Outsiders Book Report,Teenage Groups In S. E. Hinton's The Outsiders

WebBook Report: The Outsiders. Dante. Sep. This is a sample book report from Ultius on the novel The Outsiders, which tells the story of two youth gangs with a WebNov 25,  · The Outsiders is a young adult fiction that plays the role of many adolescent characters and shows what teenagers from a different day an age were like. With the WebNov 18,  · The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton was written in This novel tells the story of the conflict between two different social groups, the greasers and the socs. The socs WebJun 23,  · The book ‘The Outsiders’ by S.E. Hinton is a story told from the perspective of a 14 year old boy named Ponyboy set in South West America. In the novel he faces Web Words3 Pages. “The Outsiders” is a novel written by S.E. Hinton. Originally Published in , Hinton was only 18 when her novel hit the shelves. Instead of using her real name WebJan 10,  · The Outsiders is a story of rebellion, youth, and heroism. It focuses on an endless, senseless conflict between two groups of young people and the problems that ... read more

This made some censor advocates outraged, and different groups challenged the novel at different times. E Hinton, is worthy of a place in the Australian Curriculum. Ponyboy was a boy who always wanted to be tough but an accident that happened in the story might make him change of mind on what he wanted to be. Ponyboy's literary interests and academic accomplishments set him apart from the rest of his gang. Roman Coliseum Essay. Hinton has her own style, "Hinton introduces the young people who live in the bad parts of town and their behavior reflects their sense of dignity and self-worth" Howard Hinton's 'The Outsiders'.

Particularly, there are three characters who do not only not fit in society because of what gang they are in but they are considered outsiders in there own gang; these three characters are Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade, and Cherry Valance. The Outsiders Summary. To society, the outsiders book report essay Greasers are low class and cause trouble, while the Socs are rich and can do no harm. The roof collapses on them in their attempt to free the children and Johnny is trapped, breaking his back and badly burned. Ponyboy gets out ok, Dally burns his arm, but a huge piece of wood falls on Johnny, the outsiders book report essay, breaking his back, and burning him badly.

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