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Critical incident essay

Critical incident essay

Critical Incident Essays,Social Justice And Inclusion Within The Scottish Education System Essay

WebDec 18,  · Critical Incident Essay Examples. Type of paper: Essay. Topic: Students, Stereotypes, Incident, Teaching, Spell, Learning, Knowledge, Study. Pages: 2. Words: WebA critical incident analysis and reflection. The purpose of this essay is to reflect and critically study an incident from a clinical setting whilst using a model of WebA critical incident is an incident which has prompted reflection of the actions undertaken by all involved and being critical of those actions in order to learn and WebAug 20,  · Critical Analysis and Critical Incidents Step 1: Description. My incident happened when I was on my self-arranged placement. I was in a Year 2 class, it was WebCritical Incident Essays Critical Incidents Of Academic Institutions. Critical Incidents in Academic Institutions The critical incident A Critical Incident At The Dunmore Senior ... read more

As a teacher among ESL students, I have encountered various critical incidences that have enhanced my understanding on how ESL students perceive efforts that are implemented in order to ensure that they are provided with English language knowledge. However, one of the most critical incidents that I encountered occurred when I teaching a group of foreign students who were taking ESL classes. The session focused on pronunciation of certain English words. I was impressed to learn that almost all the students were able to pronounce the words I selected for our class session that day. When I asked the students whether they were able to write or provide the spelling for the words, it was quite surprising that almost all of them were not able to spell the words.

I inquired how one could be able to pronounce words that they could not even spell and the answer I received was shocking. The students indicated that when they come to USA, the ensure that they can pronounce a few words so that they are not subjected to certain stereotypes that are usually associated with ESL students, particularly from Asia, Mexico and other parts of the world. After the lesson, I recorded this incident in my teaching diary that the stereotypes directed towards ESL students have a significant impact in relation to how they participate in learning activities.

From this incident, I learnt that it was crucial for ESL teachers to ensure that they provide awareness among ESL students, specifically those that have just registered for ESL classes on the existence of stereotypes and how this could impact their learning. I also learnt that it imperative to ensure that ESL students are equipped with knowledge on how they can overcome stereotypes that EFL students may have about them. In summary, the critical part of this incident is the fact that ESL students could struggle to learn how to pronounce words that they cannot even spell properly only to avoid being subjected to certain stereotypes associated with ESL students from foreign countries.

In order to investigate the critical incident for further understanding, an approach that involves a study of stereotypes that affect ESL students would be applied. This would be followed by identification of how ESL students perceive the stereotypes as well as how they usually react towards such issues. The next step would involve performing a study to determine how ESL students may be empowered in order to overcome psychological challenges that emerge as a result of the stereotypes. Richards, Jack C. Professional Development for Language Teachers: Strategies for Teacher Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance. ID Password recovery email has been sent to email email. Don't waste time. I agree. HIRE A WRITER Sign in.

World of Writing Hub Blog Free Essay Writing Tools Quizzes and Tests Essay Topics Types of Essays Free Essay Examples. Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Our Guarantees FAQ Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Our Services. ORDER PAPER LIKE THIS. Critical Incident from My Teaching Context As a teacher among ESL students, I have encountered various critical incidences that have enhanced my understanding on how ESL students perceive efforts that are implemented in order to ensure that they are provided with English language knowledge. Approach applied for to Investigate this Critical Incident In order to investigate the critical incident for further understanding, an approach that involves a study of stereotypes that affect ESL students would be applied.

Work Cited Richards, Jack C. Cite this page Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Vancouver Chicago ASA IEEE AMA. Accessed 07 February Critical Incident Essay Examples. December Accessed February 07, Retrieved February 07, com, Dec Free Essay Examples - WowEssays. Published Dec 18, Share with friends using:. Removal Request. Using all these aspects I was able to build upon the therapeutic relationship and develop a sense of trust between the patient and myself. Using empathetic understanding assisted to encourage a sense of safety, allowing the patient to feel secure Scanlon and confident that they could come to me in the future with other issues or just as someone to talk with. Building a therapeutic relationship was important to foster a feeling of safety and openness so that the patient felt at ease to discuss their issues.

However I feel that there is a need to also discuss the importance of documenting the information and details disclosed. This is why I have chosen record keeping as the second key topic to discuss as part of the critical incident. I will follow the guide of Gibbs model of reflection Gibbs by evaluating and analysing this key topic. Accurate and up to date record keeping forms the basis of good nursing care and the maintenance of these records is highly encouraged Moores The care provided to patients is highly reliant on the quality and relevance of information available to practitioners.

As nurses are at the forefront of care they are regarded as key instruments for obtaining and recording patient information. This information is then taken and used by other practitioners to plan, assess and evaluate care given Moloney When entering into this situation I understood the importance of documentation as this information would be used to inform other practitioners on what has occurred Taylor As a nurse is accountable of their actions it is essential that the documentation is accurate and relevant, stating the reasons why an intervention was carried out and the outcome NMC A nurse is accountable to the patient, the profession, the employer and their self so it is vitally important that you are able to justify any decisions made NMC and that these decisions are evidence based and promote safe nursing care.

It has been argued in some legal cases that if a procedure or intervention has not been recorded, then it is considered not to have taken place NMC which highlights the need for accurate records. Although I had the theory and reasoning behind accurate record keeping I found that I lacked experience in doing this which affected my performance in a number of ways. During the review I attempted to document the process as accurately as possible. This view was also expressed by some nurses involved in research by Martin et al , these nurses stated that nursing records sometimes do not accurately describe the quality of the care provided.

When writing the evaluation for the review I felt that I got too involved with documenting the specific details and omitted some potentially useful information about how the patient responded. Although to an extent I agree with this statement as I clearly did omit some of this information, I also understand that it is important to keep records specific, factual, accurate and consistent NMC , which is how my evaluation and care plan review was presented. As the care plan review was being completed as a partnership it was important that the update to the care plan was completed as we progressed. This had its advantage in that the update and review was completed using the patients own views and they were made to feel that they were involved in their care Department of Health The disadvantage was that I felt that I was under pressure to complete the records accurately whilst conducting the review, this effected the information I documented and its presentation.

During the interview process I made a mental note of issues that were being expressed and at the summary of each section we completed the paper work documenting the outcome. However on re reading the information after the review I felt that I had omitted some of the information disclosed which may be attributed to the time constraints I was under. Taylor stated that omissions can be made as a result of a lack of time and that nurses can sometimes make a mental note of information and then later deems that information to be not vitally important. On reflection if I was to have incorporated every detail that was disclosed, the care plan review would have become very lengthy and some of the material would possibly have been irrelevant which would be out with the NMC guidelines.

Completing the care plan records in this way also affected the presentation of the document as in my hand writing was rushed and at times I felt my spelling was questionable. In this situation the spelling errors made would not have had a detrimental effect on the care the patient received. In some cases spelling errors and illegible handwriting can have a serious impact on actions undertaken by other practitioners; such as the incorrect spelling of a patients name resulting in the inability to get test results or errors made to the spelling of medications resulting in medications not being administered or the wrong medication being offered Diamond The errors made during this review were few and of little importance, however I felt that the document looked unprofessional and clearly displayed my inexperience which disheartened me a little.

This ensured that the review details expressed the true feelings and views of the patient in question and once again promoted the ethical value of autonomy. This approach assists with the recovery of the patients as it gives then some control over their care and allows them to develop feeling of confidence and optimism Department of Health Although I saw the benefits of conducting the review in this way I felt that sometimes my attention was drawn to writing notes and the paperwork. Dziopa and Ahern found that nurses thought that giving full attention to the patient was a high priority when building a therapeutic relationship.

Although this lack of attention was minimal I felt that in some way it detracted from the relationship and the flow of the review as at times I would lose eye contact. Section 3 Having now evaluated and analysed the main key issues, I now wish to continue by examining what else could have been done to improve the interaction with the patient. This section is in keeping with the conclusion section of the Gibbs model of reflection. Although I felt that on a whole the review. process was satisfactory and I was able to start building upon the therapeutic relationship, there are still many areas that could have been improved.

I have highlighted in the evaluation section that I felt that my personal feelings were apparent to me and initially I had issues with my confidence which heightened my anxieties. Ecroth-Bucher stated that self awareness is an important part of mental health nursing, which I feel was an element missing from my interaction. Although I was very aware of how I should be treating the patient, I neglected to examine my own vulnerabilities before entering into the situation. It would have been beneficial to the process if I had examined my feelings and abilities before inviting the patient to the review which would also have allowed me to think about my accountability.

If I had conducted myself this way it may have given me a chance to address my anxieties and organise my paperwork and arrangement of the interview. This would have also given me the opportunity to explore my own motivations for the interview, examine my beliefs and reflect on previous experiences Dziopa and Ahern This would have allowed me to address any personal issues or views that may become apparent during the review, which would have assisted me in detaching from my personal views and thoughts.

I also highlighted issues related to my communication skills with regards to my questioning skills and the answering of some of the patient questions. In this situation I feel that if I had examined myself a little further I would have realised that although I may have been anxious, I had the necessary interpersonal skills to make the review as pleasant and dignified as possible. Thus when I was having issues with my confidence and questioning it would have been useful to utilize my personality and interpersonal skills sooner. With regards to my record keeping I feel that there is little else at that time that could have been done differently. I would still conduct the review in this way, in respect of working as a partnership, however it may have been more appropriate not to have been taking short notes and rely on my listening skills to pick up and remember information.

This would have allowed me to maintain eye contact and give my full attention to the patient Dziopa and Ahern and then summarize and complete the paper work together. Certainly my hand writing could have been improved and more concentration put into the presentation and spelling of information. However the presentation of records can vary greatly, depending on factors such as the importance of the task and the time constraints that the nurse is under at that time Diamond Having highlighted my perceived deficiencies during this critical incident it is important to now develop an action plan to assist me when a similar situation arises again Gibbs My initial action after this incident was to include this experience in my reflection dairy which I kept whilst on placement.

This assisted me greatly when reflecting back on the incident and evaluating my performance and has allowed me to maintain my personal and professional portfolio which is a requirement of the NMC Code of conduct This incident has also highlighted the importance of clinical supervision as I feel that as a student nurse I work in a continually changing environment, experiencing new challenges on a regular basis. Clinical supervision allowed me to explore my issues and performance which encourages an environment of self awareness Rice et al For this reason I will always seek support with potentially stressful situations and to assist with my professional development.

As a result of this experience, it was apparent that I must spend some more time getting to know myself more and become self aware. This will allow me to evaluate my own skills and views on an ongoing basis which improve my abilities and confidence when conducting future interviews. Adopting this approach will enhance my reflection skills and in future allow me to act on a more natural and instinctive level rather than something that has been learned and thought about deeply Scanlon In future I will ensure that I address any personal views and issues before conducting any kind of interaction. This will ensure that I separate my personal problems and issues from those of the patient Dziopa and Ahern This once again highlights the importance of reflection on our professional practice and our personal life, as we are continually experiencing different situations and making decisions which influence our learning Hannigan Through practice I will continue to improve my record keeping skills, and it is only in this way that I will be able to develop my professional style and become confident when assessing what information is important.

In future I will ensure that I give the patients my full attention by utilising my listening skills and leaving documentation until the appropriate time. Conducting myself in this way may also give me more time to concentrate on my writing and spelling to make the document legible and professional in appearance. In conclusion I feel that this incident has contributed greatly to my personal and professional development. It is clear to me that not all patients will react and present in the same way so I will have to continually develop my skills to effectively communicate with them. This will require on going training, supervision, reflection and evaluation. As I am now practicing in this way it has improved my professional performance but also has helped me develop on a personal level and I now truly understand the importance of reflection.

This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly.

This paper will reflect upon and explore a critical incident which occurred whilst attending a clinical placement. This model has been chosen as it has clear systematic headings; it allows the individual to reflect precisely and accurately, Jasper, Reflective practice engages practitioners in a continuous cycle of self-observation and self-evaluation in order to understand their own actions and the reactions they prompt in themselves and in learners Brookfield, ; Thiel, Reflective practice is the process that enables individuals to achieve better understanding of themselves, their understanding, their skills, competencies and their workplace practices in general.

Reflective practice is a way of learning from own experience to improve the way we work. This is a reflective essay based on a situation encountered during my first six-week placement on an ear, nose and throat ward at a local hospital. In order that I could use this situation for my reflection the patient will be referred to as "Mr H". This is in order that his real name is protected and that confidentially maintained in line with the NMC Code of Professional Conduct to. I will structure this essay using Gibbs Model of Reflection Gibbs Reflective learning helps practitioners analyse their experiences and how they think and feel about them before. There are a different models of reflection. One of them is Johns model of reflection, this model is based on five cue questions: description, reflection,.

Donald Schon identified that learning in practice could be enhanced by 2 different kinds of activity — Reflection in-action and Reflection on-action. Schon was an influential writer on reflection and had two main ways of identifying reflection and they were reflection in action and reflection on action. So when my mentor Mary and I were preparing the trays we made sure that everything he wanted was on the trolley. Everything was going well until Mr Mann started to fix the tibial implant. But Mary told him that it is not available in the tray so she asked me to get it from the tray room. Mark left me to go on my own to the tray room and I could not find it. I was afraid to go back into theatre to tell the surgeon. When I finally went back and told, the surgeon that I could not find it, he started shouting.

Mary stepped in and told me to go with Mark so I could see where it was kept. That made the surgeon to calm down. We ran back again and got it. Mary, Mark and I were so relieved. The time taken for such a small incident was almost 10 minutes which was really stressful to the whole team and very dangerous to the patient. Luckily everything went. Reflection on practice has different meanings, in my view it means constructive criticism: being honest with myself, becoming aware of and understanding my own strengths, and being able to review activities and constantly test assumptions related to our work. These have been my approach to critical reflection throughout the year.

The patient did not receive standard treatment to prevent the formation of a DVT. What are some possible reasons why this error occurred? The first reason was that the nurses and staff on the floor were so focused on his admitting problem being related to COPD, which caused his respiratory infection, which then caused his kidneys to not function properly. Since his kidneys were not up to par, the staff wanted to make sure that he was not going to go into kidney failure, so that was their number one priority at the time. Secondly, the admitting doctor did not order DVT deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis.

Based on his thrombosis risk factor assessment, the patient would have scored as a high risk. He should have been placed on sequential compression devices SCD , and either heparin or lovenox University of Michigan Health System, n. The most alarming reason was that the nurse did not. It was only when I redefined the practice in layman's terms that I realised I practice reflection in my every day life. I tend towards analysis and evaluation on a daily basis, whether it is in analysing how I talk to someone, how my sessions with my scout group work or how I use my reading to increase my vocabulary. He promoted two types of reflection, which he referred to as 1 reflection-on-action and 2 reflection-in-action Somerville and Keeling, Reflection-on-action is the most common used reflection among practitioners.

It involves constantly re-accounting what happened in the past. Reflection-in-action is a form of reflection mainly used by professional. Essay Topics Writing. Home Page Research Essay on Reflection on a Critical Incident. Essay on Reflection on a Critical Incident Better Essays. Open Document. The reason for this essay is to reflect on a critical incident experience during my six week placement as a student nurse on an orthopedic ward. To explore an event as a critical incident is a value judgment, and the basis of that judgment is the significance attached to the meaning of the incident.

Critical incidents are created or produced by the way we look at a situation. Deep vein thrombosis. This process involves both reflections in action and reflection in practice Johns Schon states that reflection in action consists of on the spot surfacing, criticizing, restructuring and testing of intuitive understanding of experience phenomenon Schon P. Williams P. In choosing Gibbs reflective model it would be illustrated in the six headings which guide me through my reflective process. These headings include: 1. Description — what happened?

Feelings — what were you feeling? Evaluation — what was good or bad about the experience? Analysis — what sense can be made of the situation? Conclusion — what else could you have done? Action plan — if the situation arises again what would you do? Description: This critical incident took place during my first six-week placement on the ward Eleanor east. My rationale for this critical incident is because of the impact it had on me. I did not know that the side effects of hip replacement surgery could result in DVT deep vein thrombosis , which could be very critical physically and mentally.

To protect patient confidentiality the. Get Access. Good Essays. Reflection Upon A Critical Incident Essay Words 11 Pages 18 Works Cited. Reflection Upon A Critical Incident Essay. Read More. Reflection And Views Of Anonymous Service Users And A Professional Nurse Words 8 Pages. Reflection And Views Of Anonymous Service Users And A Professional Nurse. Better Essays. Reflective Practice in Teaching Essay Words 12 Pages. Reflective Practice in Teaching Essay. Satisfactory Essays. Shc 32 Essay Words 3 Pages. Shc 32 Essay. Decent Essays. NVQ 3 Unit Words 7 Pages. NVQ 3 Unit Reflection on the nursing process, using Gibbs model Words 6 Pages. Reflection on the nursing process, using Gibbs model.

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Essay on Reflection on a Critical Incident,Critical Incident from My Teaching Context

WebA critical incident is an incident which has prompted reflection of the actions undertaken by all involved and being critical of those actions in order to learn and WebEssay on Reflection on a Critical Incident Reflection And Views Of Anonymous Service Users And A Professional Nurse. Ans. Reflective practice is a way of learning WebA critical incident analysis and reflection. The purpose of this essay is to reflect and critically study an incident from a clinical setting whilst using a model of WebCritical Incident Essays Critical Incidents Of Academic Institutions. Critical Incidents in Academic Institutions The critical incident A Critical Incident At The Dunmore Senior WebDec 18,  · Critical Incident Essay Examples. Type of paper: Essay. Topic: Students, Stereotypes, Incident, Teaching, Spell, Learning, Knowledge, Study. Pages: 2. Words: WebIn this assignment, I will analyse and reflect on a critical incident that I was confronted with during school experience A (here after will be referred to as SEA). I will reflect on the ... read more

Buddhist believes that all people are reborn over and over again until they reach spiritual enlightenment and then Nirvana. It is clear to me that not all patients will react and present in the same way so I will have to continually develop my skills to effectively communicate with them. Schon states that reflection in action consists of on the spot surfacing, criticizing, restructuring and testing of intuitive understanding of experience phenomenon Schon P. Related Topics. Related Topics Optimism Control Authority Habits Conformity Envy Expectations Respect Hedonism Perception Principles Character Traits Body language Contentment Oppression Emotional intelligence Hard rock Nature Versus Nurture Evil Grief. Submission Date: 14 May Assignment word count: Actual word count: A and Styles M.

When faced with such a critical situation, one has to think rather fast and my quick actions in administering immediate critical incident essay and calming the patient definitely were beneficial to the task on hand, critical incident essay. The aim of this essay is to examine an incident that occurred whilst I was on clinical placement. Section 2. HIRE A WRITER Sign in. Essay on Reflection on a Critical Incident Words 8 Pages 14 Works Cited. The care provided to patients is highly reliant on the quality and relevance of information available to practitioners. Case Study : An Extended Stay Words 5 Pages.

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